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WhatsApp Contact for On Key


International partners

We have global partners to guide and support you in achieving the perfect configuration and a successful start for your On Key journey. View the list and contact information for our vetted partners in your region here.

FraudCracker and EthicsDefender Reporting Facilities

The Pragma Group of Companies supports a corruption and fraud free environment and places great trust in the honesty and integrity of all employees, suppliers, service providers and clients. The same is true for our approach to ethics.

Any corruption or fraudulent activities, or any ethics infringing practices by mentioned parties, can be reported anonymously using the channels below. The site is hosted independently in the cloud, and doesn’t store your IP address. Your email address will be required for the site to send you email alerts whenever you have a new message. Our leadership team won’t ever see your email address in their conversations with you, because email alerts come from or

Report your complaint or concern here:
FraudCracker or  EthicsDefender

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