1 December 2023

​An improvement in the fixed asset register process, tracing and tracking the location and financial information of assets, while also improving maintenance control and information on assets to make informed decisions.

Key challenges

  • No asset register management process, resulting in inaccurate asset register reporting, depreciation and overall management.​
  • Poor control of untagged assets not being maintained via asset register.​
  • No centrally formalised and documented maintenance management processes and systems to effectively:​
  • manage the asset register​
  • plan, control or manage work (sections doing maintenance in their way)​
  • develop suitable asset care plans and maintenance tactics​
  • track or record the history of work performed on assets or asset life details, resulting in poor asset-level reporting.​
  • Very slow data velocity due to a paper-based and manual process.​

Our intervention

  • We partnered with the client to put processes in place to help them take control and maintain their asset base. 
  • The project started with an Asset Identification and Verification (AIV) project to identify, verify and tag all assets. We used our AIV business process and recorded over 16 000 assets on a mobile application. 
  • We used the asset data to configure an asset register in On Key with the appropriate work planning and control and asset register business processes. The data in On Key was integrated into Syspro’s asset module to manage the asset base’s financial depreciation, accounting and reporting.​
  • We implemented a change control and configuration management procedure to keep their data accurate and dated. 
  • We introduced a call logging process to ensure all work requests are officially logged and processed to keep track of all work performed.​

Value add

  • Peace of mind that all assets are tagged, accounted for, and configured in a financial management system (Syspro) and maintenance management system (On Key).​
  • Realtime alignment between the financial and technical asset registers is maintained with a stable interface.​
  • A process is implemented to continuously verify assets and ensure assets are tagged and brought into the required system on receipt.​
  • Formalised work planning and control are in place for the different sections to suit the needs of the various user groups.​
  • Mobile work order management is increasing data velocity, accuracy and reducing paperwork.​
  • The client’s team can customise the dashboard and reports according to their exact needs.

Client background

  • Our client is one of the leading convention centres in South Africa.This large facility covers over six hectares with exhibition and trade show space in excess of 140,000m2.
  • It is a popular venue with several monthly events involving the movement of assets and the transformation of individual locations. They provide catering from various kitchens throughout the centre, and support services are dispersed across the venue.​
  • Keeping track of assets and keeping them operational in such a flexible environment is tricky, and our client realised the need to take control of this aspect of their business.